NMarinaleda in Seville is a small village located in flat surroundings of wheat fields, the town would be relatively unknown were it not for its political associations.
Local information
Ayuntamiento de Marinaleda
Avda. Libertad 119 41569 – Marinaleda (Seville)
Telephone: 955-910-904
2600 |
Health Clinic |
Bars, shops, restaurants |
Schools |
Municipal pool |
1h 45 min |
Golf nearby |
Malaga 110km Granada 150km Seville 125km |
Bus and train
services |
Malaga airport
110Km |
Granada airport
150Km |
Seville airport
125Km |
Main information
Marinaleda in Seville, consisting of two villages, Marinaleda and Matarredonda which are gradually becoming joined by development between the two. It is more or less central to the triangle formed by Malaga, Seville and Granada. It is close to Ecija, Estepa, Osuna, Herrera and Puente Genil.
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A little over an hour from the coast.
The village is mostly at and easy to get around and park. Marinaleda in Seville boasts impressive facilities. There is a pool complex with bar, two football pitches, two municipal parks, one has an amphitheater for events, a gymnasium, sports pavilion, tennis courts, a Casa de Cultura with a computer suite. Local taxes are among the lowest in Spain. There are free (and gentle) Spanish language and culture classes at the Adult Educational Centre.
There’s a wide variety of bars and restaurants from the Union bar (Sindicato) to a wine and cocktails bar (O’cina). There are plenty of small supermarkets and other shops and a weekly market on Wednesdays. Now a days, there are two venues that regularly hold a variety of live music concerts, most are free. The central avenue (Avenida de Libertad) has gardens and a fountain which is lit up of a night. There’s a local bakery, greengrocers, ashmongers, two barbers and a hairdresser! The town is run by the Mayor, Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, who is very accessible and accommodating to foreign residents.
Until 2013 he was very active politically. In the 80’s and 90’s secured a Cooperative Farm for the village about 12 kms away. After that, in 2012 a new factory was completed for processing the food products. Most local farmers use a cooperative nr 1 olive oil plant in the village and there are two local food processing businesses. There are two banks with cash machines.
Properties for sale in this town
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