Paradas in Seville province is a town that belongs to the countryside, near Arahal, in a landscape of hills and flat land devoted to cereal farming and arable crops. Paradas is home to an important work of art; a canvas of La Magdalena painted by the artist, El Greco.
Local information
Ayuntamiento de Paradas
Calle Larga 2, 41610 Paradas (Seville)
Telephone: 955-844-910
Residents 6900 |
Health Clinic | Bars, shops, restaurants | Schools | Municipal pool | Beach 1h 40 min |
Golf nearby | Malaga 158km Granada 200km Seville 52km | Bus and train services |
Malaga airport 158Km |
Granada airport 200Km |
Seville airport 56Km |
Main information
The village of Paradas in Seville is located on one of the promontories that punctuate the longitudinal step of the countryside. In particular establishing between the stream El Manco and the one called Albina de Dona Juana, two tributaries of Guadaira. The inscriptions found in the town of Paradas, suggests the origin dates to a Roman settlement called “Calla”. Only some isolated vestiges remain from the Moorish civilization, also suggesting the existence of a medina.
Iglesia de San Eutropio is the most important monument of Paradas in Seville, the Sevillian Baroque church dates to the seventeenth and eighteenth century. It contains the most valuable work of El Greco, “La Magdalena”. Located on Calle Padrea. Other things to see are, Jardines de Gregorio Maranon, Carmen de los Arrayanes, Casa Escalera,…
Carmen de los Arrayanes, the Andalusi Palace is of Nazari style,
- First week of May – Feria of Paradas
- 15-17 July – Fiestas Patronales en Honor de la Virgen del Carmen y de San Eutropio
- 15 August – Romeria de la Virgen de los Remedios
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