Located at the foot of the Cerro de la Torre is Charilla in Jaen. Since ancient times it was a natural route of passage for different peoples and cultures. There are sites from the Iberian, Roman and Islamic times. A surprising find was that of the Spanish-Arabic treasure from the 10th century, today in the Provincial Museum of Fine Arts. The church, very reformed, dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, dates from the 16th century.
With the population concentrated in its old town, Charilla in Jaen there are still some farmhouses in its surroundings. There are important springs in the territory. Hoya de Charilla Anejo charillero, at the foot of the Martina. It could be defined as an extraordinary space for nature lovers, devoid of any type of pollution.
Local information
Ayuntamiento de Charilla (Alcala la Real)
Plaza del Arcipreste de Hita, 1, 23687 Charilla (Jaen)
Telephone: 953-580-000
Residents 440 |
Health Clinic | Bars, shops, restaurants | Schools | Municipal pool | Beach 1h 36 min |
Golf nearby | Malaga 161km Granada 63km Seville 224km | Bus and train services |
Malaga airport 161Km |
Granada airport 63Km |
Seville airport 224Km |
Main information
Charilla in Jaen is located in the northeast area of the municipality and is 6 kilometers from Alcala la Real. At an altitude of 923 meters, Charilla in Jaen sits at the foot of Cerro de la Torre and dominates the Boca de Charilla gorge, a natural penetration route used by different cultures. Her material testimonies go back to Roman times, when she is known by the name of Flora.
The importance of this step determined that, during the Islamic domination, the Charilla watchtower was built, which communicates with another, located in the port of Castillo de Locubin and with a third near Santa Ana, known as the North watchtower, the three of Muslim typology.
- 7th October – Its main festival is celebrated in honor of the Virgen del Rosario. From its cultural heritage, a dance and a song stand out: the fandango of Charilla, a song that resembles the verdiales of Malaga and which took strong roots in Charilla, where some of the merchants (fishmongers) who came to this land from Malaga.
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