La Carlota is a town located in the South-western of Cordoba, in the region of El Bajo Guadalquivir. It borders on Sevilla to the South and West, to the North on Cordoba and Guadalcazar. It is to 175 metres above sea level.
Local information
Ayuntamiento de La Carlota
Av. Carlos III 50, 14100 La Carlota (Cordoba)
Telephone: 957-30-00-01
Residents 14000 |
Health Clinic | Bars, shops, restaurants | Schools | Municipal pool | Beach 1h15min |
Golf nearby | Malaga 158km Granada 202km Cordoba 36km |
Bus and train services |
Malaga airport 167Km |
Granada airport 176Km |
Seville airport 102Km |
Main information
La Carlota in Cordoba was founded in 1767 as part of the colonisation policy initiated by Charles III. La Carlota is located in the Cordoban countryside, well south-west of the large regional capital of Cordoba, and it occupies part of the alluvial valley of the River Guadalquivir and an area of its Quaternary terraces. The area around La Carlota hosts various archeological sites, with remains from the Paleolithic times through to the Bronze Age. The entire municipality has been declared to be a point of cultural interest by the regional government.
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