La Rabita in Jaen province is placed on the outskirt of Sierra de San Pedro, located northwest of Alcala la Real. Its origin dates back to the Muslim era when it was called Asbatit and todays name came from ribat which is an Islamic religious, military construction.
Local information
Ayuntamiento de La Rabita
Pedania de Alcala la Real
Crta. de Alcaudete 31, 23684 La Rabita, Alcala la Real (Jaen)
Telephone: 902-505-061 / 953-599-617
Residents 788 |
Health Clinic | Bars, shops, restaurants | Schools | Municipal pool | Beach 1h 40 min |
Golf nearby | Malaga 153km Granada 70km Jaen 63 Km | Bus and train services |
Malaga airport 161Km |
Granada airport 62Km |
Seville airport 209Km |
Main information
Its origin, as its name “ribat” (Islamic religious-military construction), goes back to the Muslim era, during which it was called Asbatit or Asbit. During the Middle Ages, La Rabita in Jaen was one of the most important villages of the territory as it was located on the border with the Kingdom of Granada and they could control the road from Granada to Cordoba.
Town video
- Feria Virgen del Carmen – In May takes place the festivity of the Virgen del Carmen and it lasts for several days, with sports and religious events and finishes whith the procession of the Virgen del Carmen.
- Festividad de San Jose – This is a religious festivity celebrated in March.
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