Atarfe in Granada is a nice village located in the north central part of the Vega of Granada. By this village run the Rivers Cubillas and Colomera. Its districts include Caparacena, Sierra Elvira, Hurpe and Cubillas.
Local information
Ayuntamiento de Atarfe
Paseo Santa Ana 11, 18230 Atarfe (Granada)
Telephone: 958-437-803
Residents 18554 |
Health Clinic | Bars, shops, restaurants | Schools | Municipal pool | Beach 1h 23 min |
Golf nearby | Malaga 122km Granada 11km Seville 242km | Bus and train services |
Malaga airport 122Km |
Granada airport 11Km |
Seville airport 242Km |
Main information
Atarfe in Granada is located in the fertile flat lands of the Vega de Granada, a wide area covered with the greenery of the poplar trees and the well looked after irrigated plains that the river Genil waters in its gentle flow towards the west. To this privileged location that can be appreciated from the breathtaking natural balcony in Sierra Elvira mountain range, one can add its proximity to the city of the Alhambra.
- July 26 – the festivity of Santa Ana, with cultural and recreational activities for adults and children. During these, bullfights are held at the Coliseo Ciudad Atarfe, a covered bullring, one of the few in Spain.
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