Las Casillas de Gumiel in Granada is an Andalucian town and district belonging to the municipality of Moclin. It is located in the extreme northeast of the Loja region. Right on the border with the province of Jaen, from which it is only separated by a small river
Local information
Ayuntamiento de Las Casillas de Gumiel (part of Moclin)
Plaza de Espana 1, 18247 Moclin (Granada)
Telephone: 958-403-301
Residents 41 |
Health Clinic | Bars, shops, restaurants | Schools | Municipal pool | Beach 1h 21 min |
Golf nearby | Malaga 143km Granada 46km Seville 224km | Bus and train services |
Malaga airport 143Km |
Granada airport 46Km |
Seville airport 224Km |
Main information
The town Las Casillas de Gumiel in Granada , belonging to the municipality of Moclin received its name because they are located near the farmhouse called Gumiel. This group of houses have with an old Town Hall, sports court and a small hermitage dedicated to the Virgen del Carmen. Also you can find a flour mill and baker and an oil mill.
- 16th of July – Fiesta Virgen del Carmen
Properties for sale in this town
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